Online Indian Business Visa

Updated on Sep 08, 2024 | Online Indian Visa

All the details, requirements, conditions, duration and eligibility criteria that any visitor to India needs are mentioned here.

With the advent of globalization, the strengthening of the free market, and the liberalisation of its economy, India has become a place that holds quite a lot of importance in the international world of trade and business. It provides people all over the world with unique commercial and business opportunities as well as with enviable natural resources and a skilled workforce. All of this makes India quite luring and attractive in the eyes of people engaging in trade and business across the world. People from all over the world interested in conducting business in India can now do so very easily because the Government of India provides an electronic or e-Visa specifically meant for business purposes. You can apply for the Business Visa for India online instead of having to go to the local Indian Embassy in your country for the same.

Eligibility Conditions for the India Business Visa

Indian Business Visa makes conducting business in India a much easier job for international visitors to the country who are here on business but they do need to meet certain eligibility conditions in order to qualify for the business e-Visa. You can only stay for 180 days continuously in the country on the Indian Business Visa. However, it is valid for one year or 365 days and is a Multiple Entry Visa, which means that although you can only stay for 180 days at one time in the country you can enter the country multiple times for as long as the e-Visa is valid. As its name suggests, you would only be eligible for it if the nature and purpose of your visit to the country is commercial or to do with business matters. Other than these eligibility requirements for the Business Visa for India, you also need to meet the eligibility conditions for the e-Visa in general, and if you do so you will be eligible to apply for it.

And any other Visa such as Tourist Visa would also not be applicable if you’re visiting for business purposes.

Extension of the Business Visa

If a Business visa is initially granted for a period of fewer than five years by the Indian Missions, it can be prolonged up to a maximum of five years. Only Business eVisa is only for one year. This is by far the most convenient method.

However, if your Business requires long term Business Visa, then an extension is contingent upon the gross sales/turnover from the specific business activities, for which the foreigner obtained the visa, amounting to no less than INR 10 Million per annum. This financial threshold is expected to be achieved within two years of establishing the business or from the initial grant of the Business visa, whichever occurs earlier. For other visa categories, extension approval is subject to the submission of documents providing evidence of ongoing business or consultancy activities. The extension of a Business Visa may be granted on a year-to-year basis by the concerned FRRO/FRO, but the total extension period should not exceed five years from the date of issuance of the Business visa.

Grounds on which you can apply for the India Business Visa

The Indian Business Visa is available to all international visitors who are visiting India for purposes that are commercial in nature or related to any kind of business that aims to make a profit. These purposes can include the selling or buying of goods and services in India, attending business meetings such as technical meetings or sales meetings, set up industrial or business ventures, conducting tours, delivering lectures, recruiting workers, participating in trade and business fairs and exhibitions, and coming to the country as an expert or specialist for some commercial project. Thus, there are quite a lot of grounds on which you can seek the Business Visa for India as long as they all are related to commercial or business projects.

Requirements for the India Business Visa


  • Electronic or scanned copy of the first (biographical) page of the standard Passport (not Diplomatic or any other type), valid for at least 6 months from entry into India
  • Recent passport-style color photo
  • Working email address
  • Debit or credit card for application fees

Additional requirements specific to Indian Business Visa

  • Details of the Indian organization, trade fair, or exhibition to be visited
  • Name and address of an Indian reference
  • Website of the Indian company to be visited
  • Invitation letter from the Indian company (This has been made mandatory since 2024)
  • Business card, Business invitation letter and website address of the visitor
  • Possession of a return or onward ticket out of the country (this is optional).

Application timing

Apply for the Business Visa at least 4-7 days before the flight or entry into India

Passport considerations

Ensure two blank pages for Immigration Officer stamp at the airport

Entry and exit points

Enter and exit from approved Immigration Check Posts, including authorised airports and seaports.

eVisa for India is also valid for travel by sea and Port Blair is now also an authorised seaport for Entry. Refer to cruise ship visit

Business Visa for the Family Members of Those Granted a Business Visa

Family members or dependents of a foreigner receiving a 'B' visa will be issued a dependent visa under the appropriate sub-category. The validity of this dependent visa will coincide with the validity of the principal visa holder's visa or may be granted for a shorter period if deemed necessary by the Indian Mission. Additionally, these family members may be eligible for other visas like Student/Research Visa, etc., as long as they meet the necessary criteria for the respective visa category.

That’s all you need to know in order to ascertain whether you’re eligible for the Indian Business Visa and what all would be required of you when you apply for the same. Knowing all of this, you can quite easily apply for the Business Visa for India whose application form is quite simple and straightforward and if you meet all of the eligibility conditions and have everything that is required to apply for it then you won’t find any difficulties in applying. If, however, you require any clarifications you should contact our helpdesk.

2024 updates

Already holding Tourist Visa

Business eVisa was a requirement for those who are visiting for a commercial intent to India. Those who are already holding a Tourist Visa for India were allowed to apply for a Business eVisa. However, there is no requirement to apply for a Business eVisa if you already hold Tourist eVisa which is NOT expired. This is due to the fact, that, only One (1) eVisa is allowed for an individual at a time. 

Special Type of Business Visa for Conferences

Some applicants who came to India to attend private company conferences or seminars used to apply Indian Business Visa. However, as of 2024, the Indian Conference eVisa is now a separate sub-class of eVisa alongside Tourist Visa, Business Visa and Medical Visa. Conference Visa requires political clearance letters from the Indian Government.

Please note that if you are visiting your family members, friends, visiting for a Yoga trip or sight-seeing and touristic purposes, then your need to apply for India Tourist e-Visa. If your main purpose to visit India is medical treatment, then apply instead for India Medical e-Visa.

What purposes is Business eVisa is Valid For?

You can apply for Indian Business Visa for the below mentioned purposes as a guide:

  • Business Enterprise or Business Venture set up in India including investment and collaboration in Business
  • Selling Products
  • Selling Services
  • Purchase of Products
  • Purchase of Services
  • Attend Technical or Non Technical meetings
  • Attend Trade Fair
  • Organise Trade Fair
  • Attend Seminars or Exhibitions
  • Come to India to work on a Project
  • Conduct Tours such as Travel Guide
  • Join a Vessel in India
  • Come for Sports Activity in India

What purposes Business eVisa is Not Valid For?

This type of eVisa for India is invalid for:

  • Opening a money lending business
  • Employment or Work Permit to work in India for long term

Check your eligibility for Indian Visa and over 170 nationalities qualify for Indian Business Visa. Citizens from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan and Spain amongst other nationalities are eligible to apply for Online Indian Visa.