What Are the Reference Name Requirements for The Indian Electronic Visa

Updated on Aug 03, 2024 | Online Indian Visa

Reference name is simply the names of connections the visitor may have in India. It also indicates an individual or a group of individuals who will take the responsibility of looking after the visitor while they are staying in India.

India, in the past years, has become one of the most visited tourist countries in the entire world. Thousands of travellers from hundreds of countries and continents travel to India each year with the purpose of exploring the beauty of the country, indulging in the delicious cuisines, taking part in yoga programs, learning spiritual teachings and much more.

For visiting India, each traveller will be required to hold a valid Visa. That's why the easiest medium of gaining an Indian Visa is online Visa. Online Visa is basically referred to as electronic Visa or E-Visa. The E-Visa is said to be a digital Visa as it is gained on the internet entirely.

For gaining an Indian E-Visa, each visitor needs to fill a questionnaire. In this questionnaire, the visitor will be asked questions which must be answered compulsorily.

In the application questionnaire, the visitor will find a certain number of questions in the second half of the questionnaire. These questions will be pertaining to Reference in India. Again, like the other questions in the questionnaire, these questions are compulsory and cannot be skipped at any cost.

For each visitor who does not know much about it, this guide will be a helpful one! Plus, it will also draw a clear picture in their minds about the visa questionnaire filling process. And the Visa application process as well.

What Is the Importance of A Reference Name In The Indian Electronic Visa Application Form

The Immigration Department of India is the authoritative body who takes care and regulates the Indian E-Visa checking processes. The Government of India has mandatorily presented a requirement for their internal controls. This mandatory requirement is knowing where and at which location will visitors stay in India.

It is basically gaining information about the connections the visitor may have in India. As every nation has established a set of policies and regulations, these policies are not meant to be changed. But rather they are meant to be obliged to. It is observed that the process of the Indian E-Visa is much more elaborate than the E-Visa procedure of other nations.

This is simply because it requires more information and details from the applicant.

What Is the Meaning of A Reference Name In The Indian E-Visa Application Questionnaire

Reference name is simply the names of connections the visitor may have in India. It also indicates an individual or a group of individuals who will take the responsibility of looking after the visitor while they are staying in India.

These individuals are also in responsibility to vouch the visitor while they are enjoying their stay in India. This piece of information must be compulsorily filled in the Indian E-Visa application questionnaire.

Are There Any Additional Reference Needed to Be Mentioned In The Application Questionnaire Of The Indian E-Visa

Yes, there are additional references required to be mentioned in the Indian E-Visa application questionnaire.

Along with the name of the person or persons who are connections of the visitor while they stay in India, the visitor is required to mention the names of references in their native.

This is elaborated in the India Visa Home Country along with the references in the country they are applying the Visa for.

What Is the Indian E-Visa Reference Name Needed To Be Filled In The Digital Indian Visa Application Questionnaire

The visitors from various countries who are planning to enter India with the following intentions are eligible for applying for an Indian Tourists E-Visa on the internet. This Visa is also known as the Indian Tourist E-Visa:

  1. The visitor is entering India with the purpose of recreation.
  2. The visitor is entering India for sight-seeing. And exploring the Indian states and villages.
  3. The visitor is entering India to meet family members and loved ones. And also visiting their residence.
  4. The visitor is entering India to take part in yoga programs. Or enrol themselves in a yoga centre for a short period. Or visiting Yoga institutes.
  5. The visitor is entering India with a purpose which is short term only. This short term purpose should not exceed more than six months on time. If they are taking part in any courses or degrees, the period of stay in the country should not be more than 180 days.
  6. The visitor is entering India to take part in unpaid work. This unpaid work can be done for a short time of one month. The work they are indulging in should be unpaid. Or else the visitor will have to apply for an Indian Business E-Visa and will not be eligible to visit India on the Indian Tourist E-Visa.

The reference names can be any individual in the above-mentioned categories. These reference individuals must be people who the visitor knows. Or with whom they may have close contact within the country.

The visitor must compulsorily know the residential address and mobile phone digits of their references in India.

To understand is better, here is a simple example:

If the visitor is visiting India to take part in a yoga program or enrol in a yoga centre who provides accommodation to the attendees or temporary residents in their premises, the visitor can provide the reference of any one individual they know from the yoga centre.

This same goes for the case if the visitor is visiting India to meet their loved ones, they can provide one name of any one relative in whose residence they may be staying. The reference name can be given regardless of if they are staying in their place or not.

The visitor can provide names of any hotel, lodge, administration staff, temporary location or stay, etc as the reference name in their Indian E-Visa application questionnaire.

What Is the Indian E-Visa Reference Name Needed To Be Filled In The Digital Indian Business E-Visa Application Questionnaire

If the visitor is planning to travel to and stay in India for the following purposes, then they are eligible to gain an Indian Business E-Visa on the internet:

  1. The visitor is entering India to buy and sell commodities and services. This can be done from India and to India.
  2. The visitor is entering India to procure commodities and services from India.
  3. The visitor is entering India to attend technical workshops and exhibitions.
  4. The visitor is entering India to attend business workshops and meetings.
  5. The visitor is entering India to set up industries. Or install plants. Build buildings or invest and buy machinery for factories and other kinds of firms.
  6. The visitor is entering India for conducting tours in the Indian states, cities, and villages.
  7. The visitor is entering India to deliver lectures and speeches on various topics and issues.
  8. The visitor is entering India to recruit employees or labourers for their business firms and organisations.
  9. The visitor is entering India to attend trade fairs. These fairs can be regarding their own industries and sectors of other sectors too.
  10. The visitor is entering India to visit and participate in exhibitions.
  11. The visitor is entering India to attend business related fairs.
  12. The visitor is entering India as a specialist or an expert in different fields and industries.
  13. The visitor is entering India to attend commercial ventures in the country. These ventures should be legally allowed in India by the Indian authorities.
  14. The visitor is entering India as a specialist or professional in various commercial ventures apart from the abovementioned.

If a visitor is visiting India for the above-mentioned business purposes, then it is clear that they may have contacts with acquaintances or correspondents in the country. It is also clear that the visitor may have made bookings for the same purposes.

The person that the visitor has come in contact with can be mentioned as their reference in the Indian Business E-Visa.

The references that the visitor can mention in their Indian Business E-Visa are as follows:-

  • Any one representative in the companies and organisations based in India.
  • Any one workshop administrators.
  • Any one lawyer of legal connection in the country.
  • Any one colleague or acquaintance in India.
  • Any one individual with whom the visitor has business partnership. Or commercial partnership as well.

What Is The Indian E-Visa Reference Name Needed To Be Filled In The Digital Indian Medical E-Visa Application Questionnaire

Many visitors who are patients and want to seek medical treatment in the Indian medical institutions visit India on yearly or monthly basis. The Visa on which the visitor can visit India for medical reasons is an Indian Medical E-Visa.

Apart from the Visa gained by the patient, caretakers, nurses, medical companions, etc can also accompany the patient to India for successful medical treatment. They must obtain a Visa different from the Indian Medical E-Visa.

The Visa gained by the companions of patients is the Indian Medical Attendant E-Visa. Both these Visas can be gained electronically on the internet.

The visitors entering India for medical purposes should also provide references. The references for this Visa can be simple. It can be of the doctors, surgeons, or medical institution staff through which the visitor will be gaining medical assistance.

The visitor, before they enter India on the Medical Visa, need to present a letter from the hospital or medical centre from which they will be gaining treatment or hospitalisation. The letter presented with the Indian Medical E-Visa should indicate all the details about their references in the country.

Which Reference Name Can Be Mentioned In The Indian E-Visa Application Questionnaire If The Visitor Has No Contacts In India

In the case that the visitor does not have a reference in India as they don't know anyone in the country, they can mention the name of the hotel administrator in their Indian E-Visa.

This is considered the last option that can be followed by the visitor if they are getting any Visa from the above-mentioned types.

What Are the Other Details About the Reference Which Must Be Filled In The Indian E-Visa Application Form

In the Indian E-Visa application form, the full name of the reference is highly necessary. Along with that, the phone number and address are also required to be filled. This applies for every Visa application form regardless of the type.

Are The References Mentioned in The Indian E-Visa Application Questionnaire Contacted During the Visa Application Procedure

The answer to this query isn't certain. The reference may or may not be contacted depending on the need of the situation and circumstances during the Visa approval and processing procedure. Past records for the same indicate that only a few references were contacted during the Visa processing and approval.

Is It Acceptable to Mention the Name of A Friend Or Relative In The Indian E-Visa Application Form

For mentioning a name as a reference in the Indian E-Visa application questionnaire, a friend, relative or acquaintance residing in India can be mentioned.


Is It Necessary to Provide the Contact Information Of The Reference In The Indian E-Visa Application Questionnaire

Each visa type requires the visitor or applicant to provide the reference name. Along with the complete name of the reference, the visitor will be required to compulsorily provide their contact information as well. The contact information includes the cell phone number and home address of the reference.

Is It Acceptable to Provide the Name Of The Yoga Centre In The Indian E-Visa Application Questionnaire

Yes. It is acceptable for the visitor to mention the name of the yoga centre as a reference in which they will be enrolling after reaching India. Since the purpose of visiting India for participating in yoga related activities is acceptable and mentioned in the Indian Tourist Visa, the name of the yoga institute can be submitted in the application form.

In The Case of Online Visa Booking, When The Visitor Does Not Know Anyone In The Country, Whose Reference Can They Provide

There might be many times when the visitor has done an online booking and does not know anyone in the country. In this case, they may wonder about what name to provide as a reference.

What If the Purpose Of Visit Of A Visitor Is Not Mentioned In The Four Different Types Of Visas

The four different Visa types are created for enabling visitors to visit India and fulfil their purpose. It may happen at many times that the purpose with which a visitor wants to travel and stay in India may not be included or mentioned in the four main types of Visas.

In such cases, the visitor can visit the help desk of the online service through which they are getting an Indian E-Visa and explain their situation to them. A solution will be brought to the problem faced by the visitor.

The Reference Name Requirements for The Indian Electronic Visa

Before a visitor applies for an Indian E-Visa, they must check their eligibility. If they are eligible for gaining an electronic Visa for visiting India, then they can apply for one and make sure that they have a valid reference name to mention in their Visa application form. If not, then it is highly recommended for them to gain assistance for the issue as soon as possible. 


Citizens of many countries including United States, France, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy are eligible for India e-Visa(Indian Visa Online). You can apply for the Indian e-Visa Online Application right here.

Should you have any doubts or require assistance for your trip to India or India e-Visa,contact Indian Visa Help Desk for support and guidance.